Lidia Staroń

Lidia Staroń

  • Constituency No. 16
  • Staroń Voters' Election Committee
  • Terms: X, IX

Born on 7th June 1960 in Morąg.
Graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Academy of Agriculture and Technology in Olsztyn.
Entrepreneur; among others, the chairwoman of a trading and service company (1992−1999), a property manager (until 2005).
Member of the Council for Victims of Crime attached to the Minister of Justice, an expert of the Act on Judicial Enforcement Officers and Enforcement Proceedings Amendment Team attached to the Minister of Justice.
Founder and the chairwoman of Stowarzyszenie Obrony Spółdzielców (Cooperative Members Protection Association), organiser of the nationwide social campaigns “Cała P olska rozmawia z dziećmi” (Entire Poland speaks with children), “Przestań pić, zacznij żyć” (Quit drinking, start living), “Mamo, zbadaj się” (Mum, examine yourself) and “Prawny GPS” (Legal GPS, a law teaching programme in upper secondary schools).
Member of the Infrastructure Committee and the Justice and Human Rights Committee in the Fifth Term Sejm. Member of the National Defence Committee, the Economy Committee, the Infrastructure Committee and the Justice and Human Rights Committee in the Sixth Term Sejm. Member of the Infrastructure Committee, the Legislation Committee and the Justice and Human Rights Committee in the Seventh Term Sejm.
Has no political party affiliation.
Married, has four children.