Ryszard Świlski

Ryszard Świlski

  • Constituency No. 66
  • Civic Coalition PO .N IPL Zieloni Coalition Electoral Committee
  • Terms: XI, X
  • E-mail:

Senator of the 10th and 11th term Senate.

Secretary of the 10th term Senate.


Born on 4 January 1971 in Gdańsk.

In 1996, he graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Gdańsk. In 2012, he completed post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Finance and Management of the WSB University in Gdańsk.

He worked, among other companies, at the Bankowe Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji “Heros-Life” (1996–1997), an insurance and reinsurance company, and was also the Director of the Sopot Branch of ERGO HESTIA S.A, an. insurance company (1997-2002).

In 1994-1998, he was a Councillor of the Pruszcz Gdański Town Council and its Deputy Chair. From 1998 to 2005, he was a Councillor of the Gdańsk County Council, chairing it in 2002, and from 2002 to 2005, the Deputy Head of Gdańsk County. From 2005 to 2010, he served as the Deputy Mayor of Pruszcz Gdański. In 2010-2019, he was a member of the Pomorskie Regional Assembly, sitting on its board and serving as the Deputy Marshal from 2018 to 2019.

In the 10th term Senate, he served as the Secretary of the Senate.

Until 2019, he was the President of the Association of Polish Regions of the Baltic-Adriatic Transport Corridor.

He was decorated with the Bronze Cross of Merit.

Member of the Civic Platform and the Pomorskie Regional Board of that party.