Janusz Pęcherz

Janusz Pęcherz

  • Constituency No. 96
  • Civic Coalition PO .N IPL Zieloni Coalition Electoral Committee
  • Terms: XI, X
  • E-mail:

Senator of the 10th and 11th term Senate.



Born on 6 November 1954 in Wieluń.

He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Łódź University of Technology. In 1984, he obtained a doctoral degree in chemical sciences.

He worked as an assistant professor at the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.  He served as the Director of the Kalisz Centre for Teacher Improvement (1983-1989) and the Regional Methodological Centre in Kalisz (1991-2001). He was a teacher in the State Higher Vocational School in Kalisz (today the Kalisz Academy), where he served as the Vice-Rector in 2000-2002. He is an author and co-author of more than 30 academic publications and an author of teaching and methodology books on chemistry.

In 2002-2014, he was the Mayor of Kalisz. From 2018 to 2019, he was a Councillor of the Kalisz City Council and its Chair.

He served as the Deputy Chair of “Self-Governing Kalisz” Association and the Chair of the Management Board of “Clean City, Clean Commune” Communal Utilities Association.

He has no political party affiliation.